Discover The Best Parties & Events

Get personalized updates and notifications of venues that are relevant to you, based on your profile. Explore venues, bars, parties, brands and events by using search, or by clicking a category, a destination or a particular venue or event type. Then see the results in a list and on a map.

Chillz Main Screen
Get tickets screenLoyalty Club Screen

Never Miss The Best Parties in Town!

Follow your favourite venues and global “broadcast channels”. Stay up-to-date with push notifications, emails and text messages. Get all the information you need about a venue whether it's a bar, club, event, or party.

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Explore & Discover

Get personalized updates and notifications of venues that are relevant to you, based on your profile (carousels, such as on Netflix). Explore venues, bars, parties, brands and events by using search, or by clicking a category, a destination or a particular venue/event type. See the results in a list and on a map.

Discover pageNearby Venues
Ordering from the bar

Order from the Bar

While at a venue, you can order food and drinks from the menu easily and get them sent directly to your table or collect them from the bar. Conveniently pay for orders right through the app, with minimal human interaction and maximal social distancing (due to COVID-19 constraints).

Placing an order
Buying ticketsTicket QR code

Easily Buy Tickets

Buy event tickets directly from the Chillz App and scan your phone at the entrance. You can even use coupons codes to apply discounts. All your ticket information is conveniently stored in your app for you to access at any time.

Earn Coinz with Loyalty Plans

Sign up as a member to businesses loyalty clubs and get benefits, discounts, prizes and be the first to know everything.

Coin icon

How to Earn Coinz

For every action you make in the app (tickets, drink purchase, etc.) you earn Coinz that are basically “loyalty points”.

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Get Updates

Stay up-to-date with push notifications, emails and text messages.

Coins icon


Each plan has its Benefits Path that depend on the number of Coinz you have, starting with 0.


Chillz Card

Get a physical card that attaches it to your account, so you can have an alternative for taking your phone everywhere.

Chillz Card

Get a physical  Chillz Card (it’s like a prestigious credit card) and attach it to your account, so you can have an alternative for taking your phone everywhere. Your profile is loaded to it, so you can use the card to get into parties and use pre paid credits.

Activate Your Card
Get into Parties
Easily Make Purchases
Chillz Card

Let's get this party started! Download Chillz Today.

Get personalized updates and notifications of venues that are relevant to you, based on your profile.

Splash screenNearby Venues

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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo dolor fermentum dignissim et pellentesque egestas mauris, faucibus. Tellus nisi amet non at phasellus faucibus senectus in”

John carter
Role, Company

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo dolor fermentum dignissim et pellentesque egestas mauris, faucibus. Tellus nisi amet non at phasellus faucibus senectus in”

John carter
Role, Company

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo dolor fermentum dignissim et pellentesque egestas mauris, faucibus. Tellus nisi amet non at phasellus faucibus senectus in”

John carter
Role, Company

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo dolor fermentum dignissim et pellentesque egestas mauris, faucibus. Tellus nisi amet non at phasellus faucibus senectus in”

John carter
Role, Company

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo dolor fermentum dignissim et pellentesque egestas mauris, faucibus. Tellus nisi amet non at phasellus faucibus senectus in”

John carter
Role, Company

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo dolor fermentum dignissim et pellentesque egestas mauris, faucibus. Tellus nisi amet non at phasellus faucibus senectus in”

John carter
Role, Company

Download Chillz

Explore venues, bars, parties, brands and events by using search, or by clicking a category, a destination or a particular venue or event type.

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Get personalized updates and notifications of venues that are relevant to you, based on your profile. Download Chillz on your Apple device today!

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Get personalized updates and notifications of venues that are relevant to you, based on your profile. Download Chillz on your Android device today!

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